Geigen von Markneukirchen circa 1950-1960?

Moderatoren: Heidrun Eichler, Johannes Meinel, Udo Kretzschmann

Beiträge: 15
Registriert: Mo 04. Jan 2016, 7:19

Geigen von Markneukirchen circa 1950-1960?

Beitrag von oharrow »

Guten tag

Entschuldigen Sie, aber mein Deutsch ist nicht gut. Ich möchte in Englisch zu sprechen.

I bought this viola of 400mm in the US with a label that says:

Gustav Fedor Heberlein Jr.
Markneukirchen 1925
Made in Germany
reproduction of Antonius Stradivarius

The GERMANY (USSR OCCUPIED) was added later and makes me think this was produced in the DDR between 1953 and 1963 because US law required these words during this period.

Can you please tell me if this looks like it was made in Markneikirchen in the 1950s? Is it perhaps by a maker such as Ehrfried Wunderlich?

Danke schoen!
Zuletzt geändert von oharrow am Mo 04. Jan 2016, 8:37, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.

Beiträge: 15
Registriert: Mo 04. Jan 2016, 7:19

Re: Geigen von Markneukirchen circa 1950-1960?

Beitrag von oharrow »

Here is the back view

Beiträge: 15
Registriert: Mo 04. Jan 2016, 7:19

Re: Geigen von Markneukirchen circa 1950-1960?

Beitrag von oharrow »

Here is the scroll

Beiträge: 15
Registriert: Mo 04. Jan 2016, 7:19

Re: Geigen von Markneukirchen circa 1950-1960?

Beitrag von oharrow »

We know that violins from Markneukirchen were imported into the USA around 1927 under the label "Gustav Fedor Heberlein" by the Henry Stadlmair Company of New York. However, this viola has the additional words GERMANY (USSR OCCUPIED), which means it was imported after the war and probably after 1953. I do not know why they used an old G.F.Heberlein label.

I attached an ad from the Stadlmair Company from 1927.

Zuletzt geändert von oharrow am Mo 04. Jan 2016, 8:38, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.

Beiträge: 15
Registriert: Mo 04. Jan 2016, 7:19

Re: Geigen von Markneukirchen circa 1950-1960?

Beitrag von oharrow »

Here is part of a Stadlmair Company ad from 1925.
STADLMAIR ad 1925 part.JPG

Udo Kretzschmann
Beiträge: 555
Registriert: Do 02. Feb 2006, 11:16
Wohnort: Markneukirchen

Re: Geigen von Markneukirchen circa 1950-1960?

Beitrag von Udo Kretzschmann »

Hi oharrow!

I guess it will keep a mystery:

The photographs are very unsharp. It is impossible to say something about your viola if I have not the instrument in my fingers. And even then I am not sure. The viola looks like a very smooth instrument without character. May be I could say a little more if you send me an email with better pictures.

The label is a fantasy label of the G.A. Pfretzschner company if I know right. May be Henry Stadlmair as a partner had a lot of these labels in stock an put one in the viola you own now. In my opinion nobody in east part of Germany was so crazy to write GERMANY (USSR OCCUPIED). I guess this was dangerous, seriously dangerous!

Helps this a little?

Best regards


Beiträge: 15
Registriert: Mo 04. Jan 2016, 7:19

Re: Geigen von Markneukirchen circa 1950-1960?

Beitrag von oharrow »

Guten tag Udo,

Thank you so much - this is very helpful! I have better photos, but this site has a low limit. Is there a good way to send these larger photos for your viewing? Should I send it to your personal email?

Also, I am sure that the words GERMANY (USSR OCCUPIED) were added later on the edge of the label by the American seller to satisfy American import laws. I agree that it makes sense that the Stadlmair Company placed the label there.

For your information, the varnish looks very yellow and resembles East German varnish by people like Ehrfried Wunderlich and Werner Barth from circa 1960-1970. Do you know who worked for the G. A. Pfretzschner company in 1950-1960? Was it part of VEB MUSIMA/MIGMA/SINFONIA?

Danke schoen!

Beiträge: 15
Registriert: Mo 04. Jan 2016, 7:19

Re: Geigen von Markneukirchen circa 1950-1960?

Beitrag von oharrow »

Guten Tag,

I understand that the Pfretzschners' atelier was a part of PGH Sinfonia and VEB Musima until 1989. Can anyone tell me the history of the G. A. Pfretzschner company between 1946 and 1989? Does anyone know who the violin makers who worked there were?

Danke schoen!

Udo Kretzschmann
Beiträge: 555
Registriert: Do 02. Feb 2006, 11:16
Wohnort: Markneukirchen

Re: Geigen von Markneukirchen circa 1950-1960?

Beitrag von Udo Kretzschmann »

Hello oharrow,

G.A.Pfretzschner and his descendants were a dealer. I am not sure but I think they themslef never made a violin. The company persisted until 1977.

If I know right the last owner Wolfgang Pfretzschner as an older man helped a little to sell instruments in MIGMA cooperative. But the Pfretzschner company wasn't a part of PGH Sinfonia and VEB Musima.

Best regards


Beiträge: 15
Registriert: Mo 04. Jan 2016, 7:19

Re: Geigen von Markneukirchen circa 1950-1960?

Beitrag von oharrow »

Dear Udo,

Thank you so much for your quick response. I asked this question because of your earlier comment that you understand that G. A. Pfretschner sold the viola I presented earlier on this thread. However, it seems that it was sold later sometime between 1953 and 1970. Is there is list of master makers that worked during this DDR period? For example, I see a similarity with the work of Joachim Wunderlich ( ... h11924.jpg).

Thank you for your time and expertise on this subject!


